

Joining MILSET is adhering to its charter; to a movement which is concerned about today's world, which participates in the local development of scientific and technical education in leisure time, which promotes international cooperation, sustainable development, citizenship and peace by practicing sciences and technology in a spirit of respect, understanding and solidarity within different geographic and spiritual communities.

Joining MILSET is also an expression of your will to be part of this family and to work together with the other members sharing your knowledge and growing together.

To do so, please consult the following schedule:

Process & Criteria

Find more about the membership process and criteria here.





  • Present itself as a member
  • Member Certificate
  • Authorisation to use Regional MILSET logo
  • Participation in MILSET and Regional Offices’ governance
  • Eligible to be a member of a MILSET or Regional Offices’ special committee
  • Networking with MILSET members (at the Regional and Global levels)


Global Programmes

Expo-Sciences International (ESI)

  • Opportunity to host an ESI
  • Registration Fee – Member’s rate


Expo-Sciences Regional

  • Opportunity to host an ESR
  • Registration Fee – Member’s rate


Leaders Congress during ESI

  • Priority call for candidatures to present a workshop or lecture
  • Priority to attend if there is a quota for the number of participants
  • Certificates of participation


Young Citizens Conferences

  • Right to organise National and Regional events
  • The nomination of students to participate in the Regional and International YCC
  • Certificates of participation at Regional and International YCC


STEAM Photo Contest

  • Right to promote the contest on the members’ websites
  • Right to use photos on the members’ websites and for promotional events


Other Programmes


  • Candidatures open only to members
  • Winners: Visibility on MILSET and members’ websites
  • Winners: Certificates



MILSET Website

  • Member organisation’s name and website link
  • Member’s events – Promotion in a special area of the website
  • Member Special Account:
    • To consult and update information
    • Shortcuts to add events
    • Shortcuts to add news  (to be approved by MILSET Communication Manager)
    • To access private MILSET documents
    • To submit a call for candidature to host a MILSET event


JOSE (Journal on Science Engagement)

  • Possibility to have a representative on the Editorial Board
  • Possibility to present an article in the section “Best Practice”
  • Pre-announcement of the publication of a new edition (email to all members with a link)



  • Promotion of members’ events
  • Possibility to subscribe more than one person


MILSET Social Media

  • Possibility to publish member’s events and photos


Promotional Emails to members

  • Possibility to promote member’s events to all members

Rights & Obligations

Member rights

  • Participate in General Assembly meetings
  • Participate in relevant Regional General Assembly meetings
  • Pay the member’s registration fee to participate in ESI and ESR
  • Take part in organisation governance
  • Propose their candidature as the host organisation of a MILSET event 
  • Use the Regional MILSET logo


Member Obligations

  • Respect the mission and the values of the Organisation
  • Abide by the Charter, Statutes, Internal Rules, Policies and Standards of the Organisation
  • Pay the annual membership fee by the deadline set by the Organisation
  • Promote the MILSET mission and activities



MILSET members could find different options that MILSET offers to make payments regarding their membership fees and/or registration fees for some events.