

This document was adopted in July 1987 and modified following the work done during the Congress held in 2007  and adopted by the Executive Committee in July 2008.



Foster interest among youth from all countries in science and technology in order to:

  • prepare them to better understand the world in which they live and to be more engaged in contributing to its progress;
  • increase their awareness of the universal scope of science and of its judicious use as a tool to unite people for peace;
  • promote, within a global and transgenerational framework, preservation of the environment and sustainable development.

This Charter makes reference to the reflections and conclusions of the great principles elaborated in the Charter of the United Nations (1945), the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), and the UN Millennium Development Goals (2000). Within MILSET, resolutions have been made following the Grenoble White Book (2001), the Moscow Congress and its Call by Youth (2003), the Tunis Youth Congress held in the framework of the World Summit on Information Society (WSIS, 2005), the Congress of Vera Cruz (2006) and the Congress of Marly-Le-Roy (2007). The four main themes dealt with in the following pages form the foundation of the International Movement for Leisure Activities in Science and Technology (Mouvement International du Loisir Scientifique et Technique - MILSET), which organizations joining MILSET must agree to. The four themes are:

  • scientific and technological progress;
  • scientific culture;
  • preservation of the environment and sustainable development;
  • international development and peace.

The themes are discussed following a general description of leisure science activities, and a summary of the characteristics that distinguish leisure science organizations from all those working with science or with young people.



The Revised Statutes were ratified by the Members at the General Assembly on October 25, 2023.

Internal Rules

All Governance and Administrative Policies and Rules of the Organisation are included in the Internal Rules. The last version was approved by the Executive Committee, on June 2021.